
My paintings gives me a voice I can not find in any other form of self-expression.

My work is filled with an expressive connection to the animal kingdom, both subtle and strong. 

My paintings drive me to continually dive deeper into my feelings and sense of self. Each piece captures a distinct animal personality, no two are alike. The paintings/animals demand to be acknowledged for who they are and what they have to say to me and the audience.

I paint using only my finger and hands. I have used this method for the majority of my career. Early on I felt I wasn’t connecting with the animals, so some thirty plus years ago, I put down the brushes to capture that expression more closely and I haven’t looked back since.

My animals are totems and/or guides for me. I don’t chose the animal; it chooses me.  I am always excited when a new animal enters my life. The path of the unknown is filled with deep compassion, self exploration and an unfolding of understanding of their lives and mine. 

It’s a journey of self, seen through the vocabulary of animal portraits. And this journey is not bound by time nor limited by the number of paintings, but by a commitment to my true emotions and also to pay homage to the animal who has guided me so steadily and courageously.